Tuesday, December 14, 2010

¿Tacos or Tacos?: film on urban food culture in Austin.

Robert Lemon, who studies social issues and urban space, has just finished production on his first documentary film. The film is a short 15 minute piece that explores how food is reshaping urban space and what it signifies for divergent communities.

 ¿Tacos or Tacos?”

Austin has witnessed the growth of two different types of food trucks over the last few years; taco trucks that serve immigrants, and trendier food trucks that create new hybrid cuisines. “¿Tacos or Tacos?” is a short documentary about the emergence of new food cultures of Austin and how they are shaping community identity in the city. Moreover, it is about how food trucks transform the urban environment to create a place and space where particular customs are practiced and continued. Through juxtaposing immigrant taco trucks on the East side of Austin to the new trendier food trucks in the eclectic and eccentric neighborhood of South Austin, the film elucidates that taco trucks are more than just a place to eat for Mexican immigrants.

Link to entire film on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Gy2LbRdoMc

1 comment:

  1. http://blogs.sfweekly.com/foodie/2011/03/tacos_or_tacos_film_sonoma_film_fest_robert_lemon_food_trucks.php

    Check out the write up on the SF weekly site
