Community of Science (UT Library)
AAUW Austin Branch Fellowships for Female Candidate
Liberal Arts Graduate Research Fellowship
Liberal Arts Research/Conference Graduate Fellowships
Center for Middle Eastern Studies
Center for Women's and Gender Studies
Brand Predissertation Fellowships
Veselka Fellowships for Graduate Research Travel
IEFS by the Study Abroad office
Scholarships by the Texas Exes
Fellowships by the Graduate School
Awards by the Graduate School (Mitchell Award)
Fellowships at the Hogg Foundation for Mental Health
Garrison Award for Best Dissertation in Computational Geography rewards and encourages innovative graduate research; September 2
AAG Enhancing Diversity Award celebrates pioneers promoting inclusion and broadening participation in geography; September 15
Honorary Geographer distinguishes non-geographers for excellence in research, teaching, or writing on geographic topics; September 15
Nystrom Award recognizes a paper based upon a recent dissertation in geography; September 22
Enrichment Funds subsidize participation of distinguished non-geographers in the AAG Annual Meeting; September 22
Marble-Boyle Undergraduate Achievement Awards in Geographic Science honor academic performance and leadership; October 15
Dissertation Research Grants
AAUW International Fellowships
Antipode Graduate Student Scholarship
APS Lewis and Clark Fund
APS John Hope Franklin Dissertation Fellowship
CaGIS Student Scholarships
HFG Guggenheim Dissertation Fellowships
MATHEMATICA Summer Fellowships
Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowships
NSF DDRI Geography and Regional Science
Open Society Inst. Open Society Fellowship
SSRC Dissertation Proposal Development Fellowship
SSRC International Dissertation Research Fellowship
SWG Pruitt Fellowship for Dissertation Research
Wenner-Gren Grant Program
Wenner-Gren Dissertation Fieldwork Grants Other External Fellowships and Grants
AAUW Selected Professions Fellowship
AAUW Educational Foundation
Dept. 60
2201 N. Dodge St.
Iowa City, IA 52243-4030
Phone: 319-337-1716
The American Association of University Women awards stipends of $5,000 to $12,000 to minority women who are graduate degree candidates completing their final year of study in fields such as business administration and law. The goal of the program is to support women in designated fields where female participation has traditionally been low.
Qualifications: Applicants must be minority women who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents entering their final year of study
Deadline: January10
American Planning Association Fellowship
Attn: Assistant for Divisions
Fellowships and Council Administration
1776 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036-1904
(202) 872-0611
Candidates must be nominated by planning schools or departments that are recognized by the National Education Development Committee of the American Planning Association. Students are eligible to be nominated if they are, or will be enrolled in fu1l-time programs for the Master of City Planning or equivalent degrees, and are members of the following minority groups: African American, Hispanic American, or Native American. Amount: $1,000-$4,000. Deadline: May 1.
APSA Graduate Fellowships
Amount: $6,000.
Contact: American Political Science Association
1527 New Hampshire Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20036
Afro-American and African Studies Predoctoral Fellowship
Carter G. Woodson Institute for Afro-American and African Studies
1512 Jefferson Park Avenue
Charlottesville, VA 22903
(804) 924-3109
Applicants for the pre-doctoral fellowship must have completed all requirements for the Ph.D. in Afro-American or African Studies, except for the dissertation, prior to August of the fellowship year. Applicants must include a description of a research project that would be pursued during the fellowship year. Amount: $12,500. Deadline: December 1.
Afro-American and African Studies Pre-doctoral Fellowship
University of Virginia
102 Minor Hall
Charlottesville, VA 22903
Telephone: (804) 924-3109
These fellowships are for the support of projects in those disciplines of the humanities and social sciences, which concern themselves with Afro-American and African Studies. Applicants for the pre-doctoral fellowship must have completed all requirements for the Ph.D., except the dissertation. Recipients must be in residence at the University of Virginia for the duration of the award. Amount: $12,500. Deadline: December 2.
Asian American Journalists Association Scholarships
(415) 346-2051
Each year, AAJA offers an array of scholarships to outstanding high school seniors and undergraduate and graduate students. Students are selected based on the following criteria:
Commitment to the field of journalism.
Sensitivity to Asian American issues as demonstrated by community involvement.
Journalistic ability
Financial need
Different selection criteria and eligibility requirements may apply to some scholarships to reflect the spirit of each award. To date, AAJA has awarded more than $860, 000 in scholarship and internship funds to about 350 students and young professionals pursuing journalism careers.
Bunting Fellowship Program
The Mary Ingraham Bunting Institute, a program of the Radcliffe Institutes for Advanced Study, was founded in 1960 as The Radcliffe Institute for Independent Study. The Institute began as a multidisciplinary research center for women scholars, scientists, artists, activists, and writers and is one of the major centers for advanced study in the United States. We have sought to redress the underrepresentation of women in all professional fields. Today our mission is to advance women through scholarship, creativity, and social activism.
Community Colleges of Connecticut Minority Fellowship
Community Colleges of Connecticut
61 Woodland Street
Hartford, CT 06105
(860) 520-7800
African-American and Hispanic graduate students in Connecticut are eligible to apply if they are interested in administrative or teaching careers in one of Connecticut's twelve community colleges. They must have completed at least one year of their graduate program. Amount: $6,000. Deadline: August 8.
Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Scholarship
Any graduating high school senior planning to attend an accredited institution of higher education, or any full-time undergraduate student with a minimum 2.5/4.0 GPA is eligible to apply for a scholarship. All applicants must reside, attend school, or have attended high school in a Congressional district represented by an African-American Member of Congress. Also, applicants must provide a completed financial statement.
Cooperative Research Fellowship Program
AT &T Bell Laboratories
Room 1B-122
CRFP Manager;
101 Crawfords Corner Road
P.O. Box 3030
Holmdel, NJ 07733
Minority graduate students who are working toward Ph.D. degrees. Amount: Full tuition plus renewable $13,200 stipend; summer internship included. Deadline: January 15.
Cornell University Graduate School Fellowships for Women
EPA - Minority Academic Institutions Fellowships for Environmental Study
Amount: up to $34,000 per year
Contact: EPA Environmental Sciences Research Division
Mail Stop 8723R
401 M Street SW
Washington, DC 20460
Fellowship Programs
The National GEM Consortium
1430 Duke Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
Under-represented students in master's or Ph.D. programs at GEM-member universities. Amount: Full tuition, stipends ranging from $10,000-$20,000, plus paid summer internships. Deadline: November 1.
Flemmie P. Kittrell Memorial Fellowship
American Home Economics Association
1555 King Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
Minority students in the U.S. or abroad who are enrolled in graduate home economics programs; transcripts required. Amount: $3,000. Deadline: January 15.
Ford Foundation Predoctoral & Dissertation Fellowship for Minorities #1
The Fellowship Office
National Research Council
2101 Constitution Avenue
Washington, D.C. 20418
(202) 334-2860
Candidates must be members of minority groups enrolled in, or planning to enroll in, a research-based Ph.D. or Sc.D. program in behavioral sciences, social sciences, earth sciences, humanities, life sciences, physics and astronomy, engineering, chemistry, mathematics, and computer sciences. Individuals must aspire to a teaching and research career. Amount: $12,000. Deadline: January 3.
Ford Foundation Predoctoral & Dissertation Fellowship for Minorities #2
The Fellowship Office
National Research Council
2101 Constitution Avenue
Washington, D.C. 20418
(202) 334-2860
Fellowships will be offered only to individuals who are citizens or nationals of the United States at the time of application, and are members of a minority group. Applicants are required to have earned their Ph.D. or Sc.D. degree in a field supported by this program. Only those individuals already engaged in a teaching and research career or those planning such a career are eligible to apply. Awards will be made in the behavioral and social sciences, humanities, engineering mathematics, physical sciences, and life sciences. Amount: $2,500 to $25,000. Deadline: January 5.
Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship Program for Minorities
National Research Council
2101 Constitution Ave.
Washington, D.C. 20418
(202) 334-2872
These fellowships are intended for minority students who plan to work toward the Ph.D. or Sc.D. degree and who are at, or near, the beginning of their graduate studies. Eligible to apply are college seniors, first-year graduate students or others who have completed a limited amount of graduate work. Amount: $11,500. Deadline: November 1.
Freda A. DeKnight Memorial Fellowship
American Home Economics Association
1555 King Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
(703) 706-4600
African American students who are members of the American Home Economics Association and have completed at least one year of professional home economics study by the beginning of the academic year for which the award is granted may apply. They must be U.S. citizens and show clearly defined plans for full-time graduate study in the U.S. during the period for which the fellowship is awarded. Preference is given to qualified applicants who plan to study home economics, communications, or work in cooperative extension. Amount: $1,500. Deadline: January 1.
GEM M.S. Engineering Fellowship Program
National Consortium for Graduate Degrees for Minorities in Engineering & Science
1430 Duke Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
Criteria for selection are: US Citizen or Permanent Resident, enrolled as at least a senior in an accredited engineering discipline with a minimum GPA of 2.8, and an academic record that indicates the ability to pursue graduate studies in engineering. Recipients must attend one of the 107 GEM member universities that offer a master's degree in engineering. Amount: Full tuition with a stipend up to $16K. Deadline: November 1.
GEM Ph.D. Engineering Fellowship Program
National Consortium for Graduate Degrees for Minorities in Engineering & Science
1430 Duke Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
Criteria for selection include: US Citizen or Permanent Resident, senior, gradaute student or working professional with minimum of a BS in engineering, undergraduate minimum GPA of 3.0, and an academic record that indicates the ability to pursue graduate studies in engineering. Amount: Full tuition, minimum stipend $16,000. Deadline: November 1.
GEM Ph.D. Science Fellowship Program
The National GEM Consortium
1430 Duke Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
Criteria for selection include: US Citizen or Permanent Resident, specific ethnicity underrepresented in the natural sciences, enrollment as a senior, graduate student or working professional with a minimum of a BS in an applied science discipline with a minimum GPA of 3.0; and an academic record that indicates the ability to pursue graduate studies in the applied sciences. Amount: Tuition with a minimum stipend of $16,000. Deadline: November 1.
GOALS Fellowships
I.R. Council on GOALS
P.O. Box 4363
East Lansing, MI 48826
Telephone: (517) 351-6122
Applicants must be U.S. citizens and members of one of the racial/ethnic groups that are underrepresented in labor/industrial relations. They must have earned undergraduate degrees in one of the social sciences that provide appropriate preparation for graduate study in industrial relations.
Graduate Fellowships for African-American Students
The American Political Science Association
1527 New Hampshire Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036
(202) 483-2512
Applicants must be African Americans who qualify for acceptance at accredited institutions of higher learning, have the potential for success in political science graduate studies, are U.S. citizens, and can demonstrate financial need. Priority will be given to students about to enter graduate school. Amount: $6,000. Deadline: Nov. 1.
The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation Travel and Research Grants for Print or Broadcast Journalists and Editors Interested in Health Policy and Public Health
Diversifying Higher Education Faculty in Illinois
Applicant must be a U .S. citizen, African American, Hispanic American, or Native American and accepted for admission to a doctoral program at one of the participating universities in fields where there is severe under representation, specifically in sciences, physical sciences, engineering, and mathematics. Amount: $15,000. Deadline: February 16.
JACL National Scholarship Awards
Japanese American Citizens League
1765 Sutter Street
San Francisco, CA 94115
The JACL began its National Scholarship and Awards Program in 1946. The JACL recognizes education as a key to greater opportunities for its members and therefore offers over 30 awards, with an annual total of over $60,000 in scholarships to qualified students nationwide. The National Scholarship and Awards Program offers scholarships to entering freshman, undergraduate, graduate, law, and creative & performing arts students. The National Scholarship and Awards Program also offers a student aid award. All scholarships are one-time awards.
Mellon Minority Fellowship
Funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, this program builds on the Mellon Minority Undergraduate Fellowship (MMUF) Program, established in 1989 as the centerpiece of the Mellon Foundation's effort to support the development and training of minority scholars. The MMUF program aims to increase the number of African Americans, Latinos, and Native Americans in core fields within the arts and sciences, and to diversify the faculties at colleges and Universities by providing support for qualified minority scholars.
Minority Fellowship for Graduate Study in Human Resource
Management/Industrial Relations
I.R. Council on GOALS
P.O. Box 4363
East Lansing, MI 48826
(800) 344-6257
Candidates must be members of one of the following racial or ethnic groups: African American, Hispanic, Native Alaskan, Native American, or Native Hawaiian. An undergraduate degree in one of the social sciences, such as economics, psychology, sociology, or political science is appropriate preparation for graduate work in HRM/IR. Candidate must be accepted by one of the 13 consortium graduate schools. Call for a catalog. Amount: $7,500. Deadline: January 15.
Minority Geoscience Graduate Scholarships
American Geological Institute
4220 King Street
Alexandria, VA 22302
(703) 379-2480
Awards are limited to geoscience graduate students who are U.S. citizens and members of underrepresented minority groups. Selection is based on academic excellence, financial need, and probable success in the geoscience profession. Amount: $4,000. Deadline: January 1.
Minority Institution Assistance Fellowships
Environmental Protection Agency
Office of Exploratory Research
Mail Stop 8703
401 M Street S.W.
Washington, D. C. 20460
Minority full-time undergraduate students pursuing environmental careers at Historically Black Colleges and Universities; must apply two years before receiving the bachelor of science degree. A cumulative 3.0 GPA and goal statements are required. Amount: Full tuition and fees, monthly stipend, and summer internship after the first year.
National Academies (Science, Medicine, Engineering Research)
Four organizations comprise the Academies: the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, the Institute of Medicine and the National Research Council. The Fellowship Office administers predoctoral, dissertation, and postdoctoral fellowship programs in research-based fields of study. The office currently administers the following programs: The Ford Foundation Predoctoral, Dissertation, and Postdoctoral Fellowships for Minorities, the Resident Research Associateships Program, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Urban Scholars Postdoctoral Fellowships, the U.S. Department of State Jefferson Science Fellows Program, and the Vietnam Education Foundation Fellowships.
National Consortium for Graduate Degrees for Minorities in Engineering & Science, Inc. (Fellowships)
P.O. Box 537
Notre Dame, IN 46556
(219) 631-7771
Amount: Full tuition and fees plus annual stipend
Deadline(s): December 1
Field(s): Engineering; Natural Sciences
Master's and Doctoral Fellowships for ethnic/racial minorities. Must be a U.S. citizen at time of application. 250 fellowships per year.
National Defense Science & Engineering & Graduate Fellowship Program
Department of Defense
200 Park Drive Suite 211
P.O. Box 13444
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
(919) 549-8505
Program open only to applicants who are citizens or nationals of the U.S. Applicants should be at or near the beginning of their work on a doctoral degree in a mathematical, physical, biological, ocean, or engineering science. Applications are particularly encouraged from women, minorities, and persons with disabilities. Selection is based on academic record, recommendations, and standardized test scores. Financial need is not considered. Amount $16,218. Deadline: January 1.
National Physical Science Consortium (Graduate Fellowships for Minorities and Women in the Physical Sciences)
New Mexico State University
Box 30001, Dept. 3 NPS
Las Cruces, NM 88003
Amount: $10,000 to $15,000 per year
Deadline(s): November 15
Field(s): Astronomy; Chemistry; Computer Science; Geology; Material Science; Mathematics; Physics
Open to USA citizens who are Black, Hispanic, Native American, and/or female who have an undergraduate GPA of at least 3.0 and are eligible to pursue graduate study in the above areas at a participating NPSC member university. Renewable for up to six years. Total value of award up to $180,000. Write for complete information.
Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans
400 West 59th Street
New York, NY 10019
Phone: 212-547-6926 or 212-548-4623
This program provides opportunities for continuing generations of accomplished "new Americans" to achieve leadership in their chosen fields. The fellowship grants half tuition plus $20,000/year for up to two years of graduate study in the United States. Applicants must provide evidence of at least two of the following: creativity, originality, and initiative; commitment to and capacity for accomplishment; commitment to the values expressed in the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Qualifications: Applications are open to those who hold "green cards," have been naturalized as U.S. citizens, or are the children of two parents who are naturalized citizens. Applicants must either have a bachelor's degree or be in the final year of undergraduate study and must not be more than thirty years of age. Applicants maybe in graduate school, though not beyond their second year.
Deadline: November30
Predoctoral Fellowships in Microbiology for Minority Students - American Society for Microbiology
1325 Massachusetts Ave., NW
Washington, D.C. 20005-4171
Applicants must be citizens of the United States or hold permanent resident visas, members of a minority and formally admitted as a fully qualified prospective candidate for a Ph.D. degree in microbiology in accredited institutions with data on the research programs to be completed for the degree (or within 2 years of attaining a Ph.D.). Financial need is considered in selecting fellows. Amount: $2,000-$10,000. Deadline: April 1.
Stewardship Science Graduate Fellowship
The Department of Energy (DOE) National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) Stewardship Science Graduate Fellowship (SSGF) Program provides outstanding benefits and opportunities to students pursuing a Ph.D. in areas of interest to stewardship science, such as high-energy-density physics, low-energy nuclear science, or properties of materials under extreme conditions. Fellows also participate in research at a DOE laboratory. Benefits: Yearly stipend of $32,400; payment of all tuition and fees; $1,000 yearly academic allowance. This program is open only to U.S. citizens and permanent resident aliens studying at a U.S. university who are exceptional senior undergraduates or are in their first or second year of graduate study. Additional information is available at:
UCLA Institute of American Cultures - Ethnic Studies Fellowships
The Institute of American Cultures (IAC) was created in 1969 as an umbrella organization to support ethnic studies on campus and to build connections among the four ethnic studies research centers - American Indian Studies Center, Asian American Studies Center, Bunche Center for African American Studies, and Chicano Studies Research Center.
United Negro College Fund - Graduate and Research Fellowships
8260 Willow Oaks Corporate Drive
Fairfax, VA 22031
Phone: 1-800-331-2244
Women's Research and Education Institute Congressional Fellowship Program
1750 New York Avenue, NW, Suite 350
Washington, DC 20006
Dissertation Research Grants
AAUW International Fellowships
Antipode Graduate Student Scholarship
APS Lewis and Clark Fund
APS John Hope Franklin Dissertation Fellowship
CaGIS Student Scholarships
HFG Guggenheim Dissertation Fellowships
MATHEMATICA Summer Fellowships
Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowships
NSF DDRI Geography and Regional Science
Open Society Inst. Open Society Fellowship
SSRC Dissertation Proposal Development Fellowship
SSRC International Dissertation Research Fellowship
SWG Pruitt Fellowship for Dissertation Research
Wenner-Gren Grant Program
Wenner-Gren Dissertation Fieldwork Grants Other External Fellowships and Grants
AAUW Selected Professions Fellowship
AAUW Educational Foundation
Dept. 60
2201 N. Dodge St.
Iowa City, IA 52243-4030
Phone: 319-337-1716
The American Association of University Women awards stipends of $5,000 to $12,000 to minority women who are graduate degree candidates completing their final year of study in fields such as business administration and law. The goal of the program is to support women in designated fields where female participation has traditionally been low.
Qualifications: Applicants must be minority women who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents entering their final year of study
Deadline: January10
American Planning Association Fellowship
Attn: Assistant for Divisions
Fellowships and Council Administration
1776 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036-1904
(202) 872-0611
Candidates must be nominated by planning schools or departments that are recognized by the National Education Development Committee of the American Planning Association. Students are eligible to be nominated if they are, or will be enrolled in fu1l-time programs for the Master of City Planning or equivalent degrees, and are members of the following minority groups: African American, Hispanic American, or Native American. Amount: $1,000-$4,000. Deadline: May 1.
APSA Graduate Fellowships
Amount: $6,000.
Contact: American Political Science Association
1527 New Hampshire Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20036
Afro-American and African Studies Predoctoral Fellowship
Carter G. Woodson Institute for Afro-American and African Studies
1512 Jefferson Park Avenue
Charlottesville, VA 22903
(804) 924-3109
Applicants for the pre-doctoral fellowship must have completed all requirements for the Ph.D. in Afro-American or African Studies, except for the dissertation, prior to August of the fellowship year. Applicants must include a description of a research project that would be pursued during the fellowship year. Amount: $12,500. Deadline: December 1.
Afro-American and African Studies Pre-doctoral Fellowship
University of Virginia
102 Minor Hall
Charlottesville, VA 22903
Telephone: (804) 924-3109
These fellowships are for the support of projects in those disciplines of the humanities and social sciences, which concern themselves with Afro-American and African Studies. Applicants for the pre-doctoral fellowship must have completed all requirements for the Ph.D., except the dissertation. Recipients must be in residence at the University of Virginia for the duration of the award. Amount: $12,500. Deadline: December 2.
Asian American Journalists Association Scholarships
(415) 346-2051
Each year, AAJA offers an array of scholarships to outstanding high school seniors and undergraduate and graduate students. Students are selected based on the following criteria:
Commitment to the field of journalism.
Sensitivity to Asian American issues as demonstrated by community involvement.
Journalistic ability
Financial need
Different selection criteria and eligibility requirements may apply to some scholarships to reflect the spirit of each award. To date, AAJA has awarded more than $860, 000 in scholarship and internship funds to about 350 students and young professionals pursuing journalism careers.
Bunting Fellowship Program
The Mary Ingraham Bunting Institute, a program of the Radcliffe Institutes for Advanced Study, was founded in 1960 as The Radcliffe Institute for Independent Study. The Institute began as a multidisciplinary research center for women scholars, scientists, artists, activists, and writers and is one of the major centers for advanced study in the United States. We have sought to redress the underrepresentation of women in all professional fields. Today our mission is to advance women through scholarship, creativity, and social activism.
Community Colleges of Connecticut Minority Fellowship
Community Colleges of Connecticut
61 Woodland Street
Hartford, CT 06105
(860) 520-7800
African-American and Hispanic graduate students in Connecticut are eligible to apply if they are interested in administrative or teaching careers in one of Connecticut's twelve community colleges. They must have completed at least one year of their graduate program. Amount: $6,000. Deadline: August 8.
Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Scholarship
Any graduating high school senior planning to attend an accredited institution of higher education, or any full-time undergraduate student with a minimum 2.5/4.0 GPA is eligible to apply for a scholarship. All applicants must reside, attend school, or have attended high school in a Congressional district represented by an African-American Member of Congress. Also, applicants must provide a completed financial statement.
Cooperative Research Fellowship Program
AT &T Bell Laboratories
Room 1B-122
CRFP Manager;
101 Crawfords Corner Road
P.O. Box 3030
Holmdel, NJ 07733
Minority graduate students who are working toward Ph.D. degrees. Amount: Full tuition plus renewable $13,200 stipend; summer internship included. Deadline: January 15.
Cornell University Graduate School Fellowships for Women
EPA - Minority Academic Institutions Fellowships for Environmental Study
Amount: up to $34,000 per year
Contact: EPA Environmental Sciences Research Division
Mail Stop 8723R
401 M Street SW
Washington, DC 20460
Fellowship Programs
The National GEM Consortium
1430 Duke Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
Under-represented students in master's or Ph.D. programs at GEM-member universities. Amount: Full tuition, stipends ranging from $10,000-$20,000, plus paid summer internships. Deadline: November 1.
Flemmie P. Kittrell Memorial Fellowship
American Home Economics Association
1555 King Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
Minority students in the U.S. or abroad who are enrolled in graduate home economics programs; transcripts required. Amount: $3,000. Deadline: January 15.
Ford Foundation Predoctoral & Dissertation Fellowship for Minorities #1
The Fellowship Office
National Research Council
2101 Constitution Avenue
Washington, D.C. 20418
(202) 334-2860
Candidates must be members of minority groups enrolled in, or planning to enroll in, a research-based Ph.D. or Sc.D. program in behavioral sciences, social sciences, earth sciences, humanities, life sciences, physics and astronomy, engineering, chemistry, mathematics, and computer sciences. Individuals must aspire to a teaching and research career. Amount: $12,000. Deadline: January 3.
Ford Foundation Predoctoral & Dissertation Fellowship for Minorities #2
The Fellowship Office
National Research Council
2101 Constitution Avenue
Washington, D.C. 20418
(202) 334-2860
Fellowships will be offered only to individuals who are citizens or nationals of the United States at the time of application, and are members of a minority group. Applicants are required to have earned their Ph.D. or Sc.D. degree in a field supported by this program. Only those individuals already engaged in a teaching and research career or those planning such a career are eligible to apply. Awards will be made in the behavioral and social sciences, humanities, engineering mathematics, physical sciences, and life sciences. Amount: $2,500 to $25,000. Deadline: January 5.
Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship Program for Minorities
National Research Council
2101 Constitution Ave.
Washington, D.C. 20418
(202) 334-2872
These fellowships are intended for minority students who plan to work toward the Ph.D. or Sc.D. degree and who are at, or near, the beginning of their graduate studies. Eligible to apply are college seniors, first-year graduate students or others who have completed a limited amount of graduate work. Amount: $11,500. Deadline: November 1.
Freda A. DeKnight Memorial Fellowship
American Home Economics Association
1555 King Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
(703) 706-4600
African American students who are members of the American Home Economics Association and have completed at least one year of professional home economics study by the beginning of the academic year for which the award is granted may apply. They must be U.S. citizens and show clearly defined plans for full-time graduate study in the U.S. during the period for which the fellowship is awarded. Preference is given to qualified applicants who plan to study home economics, communications, or work in cooperative extension. Amount: $1,500. Deadline: January 1.
GEM M.S. Engineering Fellowship Program
National Consortium for Graduate Degrees for Minorities in Engineering & Science
1430 Duke Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
Criteria for selection are: US Citizen or Permanent Resident, enrolled as at least a senior in an accredited engineering discipline with a minimum GPA of 2.8, and an academic record that indicates the ability to pursue graduate studies in engineering. Recipients must attend one of the 107 GEM member universities that offer a master's degree in engineering. Amount: Full tuition with a stipend up to $16K. Deadline: November 1.
GEM Ph.D. Engineering Fellowship Program
National Consortium for Graduate Degrees for Minorities in Engineering & Science
1430 Duke Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
Criteria for selection include: US Citizen or Permanent Resident, senior, gradaute student or working professional with minimum of a BS in engineering, undergraduate minimum GPA of 3.0, and an academic record that indicates the ability to pursue graduate studies in engineering. Amount: Full tuition, minimum stipend $16,000. Deadline: November 1.
GEM Ph.D. Science Fellowship Program
The National GEM Consortium
1430 Duke Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
Criteria for selection include: US Citizen or Permanent Resident, specific ethnicity underrepresented in the natural sciences, enrollment as a senior, graduate student or working professional with a minimum of a BS in an applied science discipline with a minimum GPA of 3.0; and an academic record that indicates the ability to pursue graduate studies in the applied sciences. Amount: Tuition with a minimum stipend of $16,000. Deadline: November 1.
GOALS Fellowships
I.R. Council on GOALS
P.O. Box 4363
East Lansing, MI 48826
Telephone: (517) 351-6122
Applicants must be U.S. citizens and members of one of the racial/ethnic groups that are underrepresented in labor/industrial relations. They must have earned undergraduate degrees in one of the social sciences that provide appropriate preparation for graduate study in industrial relations.
Graduate Fellowships for African-American Students
The American Political Science Association
1527 New Hampshire Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036
(202) 483-2512
Applicants must be African Americans who qualify for acceptance at accredited institutions of higher learning, have the potential for success in political science graduate studies, are U.S. citizens, and can demonstrate financial need. Priority will be given to students about to enter graduate school. Amount: $6,000. Deadline: Nov. 1.
The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation Travel and Research Grants for Print or Broadcast Journalists and Editors Interested in Health Policy and Public Health
Diversifying Higher Education Faculty in Illinois
Applicant must be a U .S. citizen, African American, Hispanic American, or Native American and accepted for admission to a doctoral program at one of the participating universities in fields where there is severe under representation, specifically in sciences, physical sciences, engineering, and mathematics. Amount: $15,000. Deadline: February 16.
JACL National Scholarship Awards
Japanese American Citizens League
1765 Sutter Street
San Francisco, CA 94115
The JACL began its National Scholarship and Awards Program in 1946. The JACL recognizes education as a key to greater opportunities for its members and therefore offers over 30 awards, with an annual total of over $60,000 in scholarships to qualified students nationwide. The National Scholarship and Awards Program offers scholarships to entering freshman, undergraduate, graduate, law, and creative & performing arts students. The National Scholarship and Awards Program also offers a student aid award. All scholarships are one-time awards.
Mellon Minority Fellowship
Funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, this program builds on the Mellon Minority Undergraduate Fellowship (MMUF) Program, established in 1989 as the centerpiece of the Mellon Foundation's effort to support the development and training of minority scholars. The MMUF program aims to increase the number of African Americans, Latinos, and Native Americans in core fields within the arts and sciences, and to diversify the faculties at colleges and Universities by providing support for qualified minority scholars.
Minority Fellowship for Graduate Study in Human Resource
Management/Industrial Relations
I.R. Council on GOALS
P.O. Box 4363
East Lansing, MI 48826
(800) 344-6257
Candidates must be members of one of the following racial or ethnic groups: African American, Hispanic, Native Alaskan, Native American, or Native Hawaiian. An undergraduate degree in one of the social sciences, such as economics, psychology, sociology, or political science is appropriate preparation for graduate work in HRM/IR. Candidate must be accepted by one of the 13 consortium graduate schools. Call for a catalog. Amount: $7,500. Deadline: January 15.
Minority Geoscience Graduate Scholarships
American Geological Institute
4220 King Street
Alexandria, VA 22302
(703) 379-2480
Awards are limited to geoscience graduate students who are U.S. citizens and members of underrepresented minority groups. Selection is based on academic excellence, financial need, and probable success in the geoscience profession. Amount: $4,000. Deadline: January 1.
Minority Institution Assistance Fellowships
Environmental Protection Agency
Office of Exploratory Research
Mail Stop 8703
401 M Street S.W.
Washington, D. C. 20460
Minority full-time undergraduate students pursuing environmental careers at Historically Black Colleges and Universities; must apply two years before receiving the bachelor of science degree. A cumulative 3.0 GPA and goal statements are required. Amount: Full tuition and fees, monthly stipend, and summer internship after the first year.
National Academies (Science, Medicine, Engineering Research)
Four organizations comprise the Academies: the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, the Institute of Medicine and the National Research Council. The Fellowship Office administers predoctoral, dissertation, and postdoctoral fellowship programs in research-based fields of study. The office currently administers the following programs: The Ford Foundation Predoctoral, Dissertation, and Postdoctoral Fellowships for Minorities, the Resident Research Associateships Program, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Urban Scholars Postdoctoral Fellowships, the U.S. Department of State Jefferson Science Fellows Program, and the Vietnam Education Foundation Fellowships.
National Consortium for Graduate Degrees for Minorities in Engineering & Science, Inc. (Fellowships)
P.O. Box 537
Notre Dame, IN 46556
(219) 631-7771
Amount: Full tuition and fees plus annual stipend
Deadline(s): December 1
Field(s): Engineering; Natural Sciences
Master's and Doctoral Fellowships for ethnic/racial minorities. Must be a U.S. citizen at time of application. 250 fellowships per year.
National Defense Science & Engineering & Graduate Fellowship Program
Department of Defense
200 Park Drive Suite 211
P.O. Box 13444
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
(919) 549-8505
Program open only to applicants who are citizens or nationals of the U.S. Applicants should be at or near the beginning of their work on a doctoral degree in a mathematical, physical, biological, ocean, or engineering science. Applications are particularly encouraged from women, minorities, and persons with disabilities. Selection is based on academic record, recommendations, and standardized test scores. Financial need is not considered. Amount $16,218. Deadline: January 1.
National Physical Science Consortium (Graduate Fellowships for Minorities and Women in the Physical Sciences)
New Mexico State University
Box 30001, Dept. 3 NPS
Las Cruces, NM 88003
Amount: $10,000 to $15,000 per year
Deadline(s): November 15
Field(s): Astronomy; Chemistry; Computer Science; Geology; Material Science; Mathematics; Physics
Open to USA citizens who are Black, Hispanic, Native American, and/or female who have an undergraduate GPA of at least 3.0 and are eligible to pursue graduate study in the above areas at a participating NPSC member university. Renewable for up to six years. Total value of award up to $180,000. Write for complete information.
Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans
400 West 59th Street
New York, NY 10019
Phone: 212-547-6926 or 212-548-4623
This program provides opportunities for continuing generations of accomplished "new Americans" to achieve leadership in their chosen fields. The fellowship grants half tuition plus $20,000/year for up to two years of graduate study in the United States. Applicants must provide evidence of at least two of the following: creativity, originality, and initiative; commitment to and capacity for accomplishment; commitment to the values expressed in the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Qualifications: Applications are open to those who hold "green cards," have been naturalized as U.S. citizens, or are the children of two parents who are naturalized citizens. Applicants must either have a bachelor's degree or be in the final year of undergraduate study and must not be more than thirty years of age. Applicants maybe in graduate school, though not beyond their second year.
Deadline: November30
Predoctoral Fellowships in Microbiology for Minority Students - American Society for Microbiology
1325 Massachusetts Ave., NW
Washington, D.C. 20005-4171
Applicants must be citizens of the United States or hold permanent resident visas, members of a minority and formally admitted as a fully qualified prospective candidate for a Ph.D. degree in microbiology in accredited institutions with data on the research programs to be completed for the degree (or within 2 years of attaining a Ph.D.). Financial need is considered in selecting fellows. Amount: $2,000-$10,000. Deadline: April 1.
Stewardship Science Graduate Fellowship
The Department of Energy (DOE) National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) Stewardship Science Graduate Fellowship (SSGF) Program provides outstanding benefits and opportunities to students pursuing a Ph.D. in areas of interest to stewardship science, such as high-energy-density physics, low-energy nuclear science, or properties of materials under extreme conditions. Fellows also participate in research at a DOE laboratory. Benefits: Yearly stipend of $32,400; payment of all tuition and fees; $1,000 yearly academic allowance. This program is open only to U.S. citizens and permanent resident aliens studying at a U.S. university who are exceptional senior undergraduates or are in their first or second year of graduate study. Additional information is available at:
UCLA Institute of American Cultures - Ethnic Studies Fellowships
The Institute of American Cultures (IAC) was created in 1969 as an umbrella organization to support ethnic studies on campus and to build connections among the four ethnic studies research centers - American Indian Studies Center, Asian American Studies Center, Bunche Center for African American Studies, and Chicano Studies Research Center.
United Negro College Fund - Graduate and Research Fellowships
8260 Willow Oaks Corporate Drive
Fairfax, VA 22031
Phone: 1-800-331-2244
Women's Research and Education Institute Congressional Fellowship Program
1750 New York Avenue, NW, Suite 350
Washington, DC 20006