Thursday, September 29, 2011

Adaptation to Climate Change

Graduate student publish article on prospective collaboration in flood control research between UT and Latin America

Graduate students M. Anwar Sounny-Slitine and Jennifer Alexander along with other students from programs across campus published an article in the current edition of Portal, an annual publication of the Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies.  In their article titled “Adaptation to Climate Change: A Prospective Collaboration in Flood Control” the students call to attention the importance of research in climate change adaptation, and the role that UT can play between Texas and Latin America acting as a catalyst for South-South and North-South provisions of adaptation techniques.
Hard copies of Portal are avilable in the Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies, or can be read online at:

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Veselka Field Research Grant winners to present preliminary research findings

Robert E. Veselka Field Research Grant winners from the department of geography will be presenting their preliminary research findings at a colloquium, Friday September 30. Among the field grant winners are Jennifer Alexander, Molly Polk , Niti Mishra, Pamela Sertzen, and Jon Gehrig, who will be introducing a variety of topics, from climate change in Peru to disease in Botswana.