Thursday, July 28, 2011

IIE Graduate Fellowship for International Study Awarded to Matt LaFevor a Doctoral Student

Farming system in Tlaxcla, Mexico
The International Institute of Education has awarded doctoral student, Matthew LaFevor the 2011-2012 Graduate Fellowship for International Study, with funding from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

The awards come in lieu of the 2011-2012 Fulbright-Hays DDRA competition, which was eliminated after congressional budget cuts. Of the 120 students originally selected for Fulbright-Hays DDRA awards, 80 were selected to receive Graduate Fellowships for International Study instead. The award provides funding for one year.

Matthew will continue to conduct dissertation fieldwork in Tlaxcala, Mexico on the mechanics of semi-terracing and water conservation on mountain slopes.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

2011 Esri Health GIS Conference

The Esri Health GIS Conference is still accepting abstracts for the Setember 7-9, 2011 meeting in Washington D.C. - LAST DAY TODAY, JULY 17th

Today (July 17th, 2011) is the last day to submit an abstract for this year's Esri Health GIS Conference. Map Gallery Submissions will be accepted until July 29th!

Abstracts must be 150 words or less and presentations are typically 30 minutes or less. Abstracts must answer the following questions:
  1. What problem did you solve with GIS? What advantage did GIS give you?
  2. What types of geospatial analysis did you use? Explain how and why.
  3. What are your findings or results
  4. How can this project be useful for the audience?
Possible Tracks and Topics:
  • Preparedness & Response
  • Influencing Health Policy
  • Improving Population Health
  • Hospitals & Health Care Delivery
  • Environmental Health
  • Defense Health
  • Disease Surveillance & Control
  • Workforce Development
  • Managed Health Care
  • Human (Social) Services
  • Health Information Exchange
  • Clinical Trials
All proceedings are published on the event website:

Keynote and Plenary speakers include:
  • Tood Park, Chief Technology Officer (US Dept. of Health & Human Services)
  • Bob Wiseman, Vice President for Facilities Management @ University of Kentucky
  • Seth Foldy, Director of the Public Health Informatics & Technology Program Office - CDC
  • Ellen K. Cromley, Assistant Prof. @ University of Connecticut School of Medicine
Although the website does not announce it, a special student price for the Conference Registration Fee is indeed available! Contact: Jessica Benton -

Friday, July 8, 2011

AAG NYC Call for Papers: Abstracts due September 28, 2011

The Call for Papers for the AAG 2012 Annual Meeting in New York is underway.  Remember, the deadline to submit sessions and abstracts for the 2012 Annual Meeting is September 28, 2011.  The tips below will help you get started.

Begin by reading the Call for Papers and session organization instructions at to familiarize yourself with the different session types as well as the procedures.

Once you have decided on a session category and have prepared your title and description, you may want to use the Session Collaboration Board to announce your own call for papers. You can also search the submitted abstracts for relevant papers.  

Posting a Call for Papers
Follow these steps to announce your call for papers to the Session Collaboration Board:
  • Register for the meeting online at 
  • Proceed to the Abstract and Session Submission Console from the Call for Papers web page at
  • Once on the console page, you will see the Session Collaboration Board at the bottom of the page.  
  • Click on the "New Post" button in order to place a notice about your proposed session.
  • Click on the "Search Abstracts" button in order to search abstracts that have already been submitted.
Submitting a Completed Organized Session
Once you have gained enough participants in your session to submit a complete session, follow these steps to submit your completed session to the conference:
  • Have your session participants register for the annual meeting, submit an abstract - if necessary - and provide you with their program identification number (PIN).  You will need to use the PINs to add each participant to your session.
  • Proceed to the Abstract and Session Submission Console from the Call for Papers page 
  • Click on the "New Session" button and follow the instructions to complete the online form.

Marfa Ballroom Lecture Series: Kathleen Shafer

Ballroom Marfa is launching a new lecture series with a talk by Kathleen Shafer, a doctoral student in UT Geography and The Environment.  Shafer's visual work explores and documents airfields, and her research on this subject is what brought her back into academia. She is especially interested in Marfa’s military history and the later repurposing of spaces by Judd. She will be writing a dissertation about the place and experience of Marfa, and is interested in parallel concepts of place and space between both geographic and artistic thought. Please join us for this special event, generously hosted by Marfa Book Company. Talk begins at 6 pm July, 12 2011 

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